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In line with the Victorian Government's Roadmap out of restrictions, Mind & Seek resume face- to-face services for routine care.


As a small business and a mental health service, we aim to carefully balance the safety of our clients and our clinicians whilst providing ongoing psychological care to clients with least disruption.

CovidSAFE practices

  • When will the clinic resume face-to-face services for routine care?
    In line with Victoria's Roadmap target of 80% double vaccination rates, from November 4th 2021 we will resume face-to-face services for routine care.
  • How are you keeping the clinic COVIDSafe?
    All our staff are fully vaccinated. We have closed our waiting room and ask parents and clients to wait in cars (or outside) until the psychologist prompts them to enter the premises for the appointment. We have transparent screens at the reception desk and continue to offer remote reception services where appropriate. We have alcohol-based hand-sanitiser available throughout the clinic (including at the entry). We clean clinic rooms between sessions (including toys, chairs, doorknobs etc.). We have HEPA air purifiers in each consulting room. We maintain social distancing where possible. We stay home if feeling unwell and offer telehealth services if appropriate
  • Will my psychologist wear a face mask?
    Our psychologists are no longer required to wear a mask when on the Mind & Seek premises, including during face-to-face consultations. For further information from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) about the guidelines for mask wearing, please click here. Our clients can make their own decisions about wearing a face mask whilst onsite. Even though wearing a face mask is becoming the new normal for our community, if your child has not previously attended a face-to-face consultation where the professional is wearing a mask before, it may be helpful to prepare your child by referring to the resources found here. If you have concerns about mask wearing, please contact us for further information.
  • How will physical distancing work?
    Furniture in the consultation rooms is distanced as close to 1.5m as possible and efforts will be made to minimise client contact in the waiting room and hallway areas.
  • Is the waiting room open?
    Yes, we have now re-opened our waiting room. We do, however, have a small waiting room and so to minimise numbers, if you are able to wait in your car, we kindly ask you to do so.
  • What can my child and I do to be COVIDSafe?
    We ask you to clean your hands with the hand-sanitizer provided at the check-in station prior to entering the clinic. We ask you to observe physical distancing at all times in the consulting rooms. We ask you to cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue if you cough or sneeze. We ask that you do not attend face-to-face counselling if you or your family members are feeling unwell or have visited an exposure site (in accordance with current health department guidelines).
  • What if I have concerns about this process?
    We understand that this is a big change. If you have concerns and/or questions, we would much rather discuss these with you in person. Please do not hesitate to contact us on 0425 526 463 to talk further with one of our admin staff or the Director of the clinic.
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